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About Us

Our Story
Old English Supermarket is a rare combination of visionary enterprise, diligent service, public affection and love. The idea is herculean in execution yet audacious in its simplicity and excellent returns. It's a win-win situation for everyone. Inventive thinking,  leadership through service and above all, an unwavering devotion to customer needs makes us the blooming enterprise we are today, and shapes the conglomerate we will be tomorrow. Old English is poised to be the largest retailer in Nigeria and Africa, while our increasing number of associates meet the needs of a growing customer base every week. And we do it wherever they shop – in our stores, online, or through their mobile devices.

From inception Olanrewaju Alfred, CEO of Old English, surrounded himself with the cream of the genii pack. This excellent work force comprises of men and women brimming with big ideas and audacity to take risks and nurture those ideas to fruition. By their diligent efforts and commitment to service, Old English has prospered.

 Working at Old English
At Old English, people matter. A job at our stores means an opportunity to build a career and prosperous future. Yes, we couldn’t serve our teeming customers without the able support and unwavering loyalty of our sales force and associates. Hence we are eager to support them too by investing in their growth through periodic training and skills development. Already we have inspiring success stories, not a few of our associates are motivated by the opportunities to succeed prevalent at Old English. Every associate can progress as far as hard work and talent will take him/her. Thus our associates are building better lives for their families, and we are proud to be part of their success stories. Old English offers competitive remuneration, medical facilities, bonus opportunities, merchandise discounts, and a chance to move up.

Old English's seeks to achieve commercial success by adopting a mass distribution business model that incorporates the input of every stakeholder to successfully integrate accountability and commercial success.
Indeed, Our initiatives are all encompassing. We integrate every stakeholder in a mutual growth chain that's beneficial to everyone. Thus from integrating small holder farmers into our supply chain, rationalizing private label product packaging and improving store energy efficiency to championing economic empowerment initiatives  and increasing employee access to competitive remuneration and affordable private healthcare benefits, Old English aims to create a progressive and sustainable business culture with its various publics.

 Our Business
We help families save money so they can acquire their needs and live better. We use our size and scale to provide access to high-quality goods and fresh, nutritious food at everyday low prices while creating opportunities for our associates and small and medium-sized global suppliers.
Our dynamic, visionary team is amply qualified and equipped to see to your needs diligently.
We see to every client's needs in consonance with contemporary demands and challenges of speed and context, taking great care to effect seamless integration of intent and results across multiple channels. 

Our Exceptionality
At Old English Supermarket, we are distinguished for our:
·         Fidelity
·         Dependable client liaisons
·         Diligence
·         Excellent track record 
·         Wide reach 

 Our Philosophy
At the core of Old English Supermarket's business philosophy are the cardinal principles of transparency, equity, prudence, reverence, teamwork, loyalty and ethical practice. Our values unite us and our customers in a mutually beneficial bond with positive multiplier effects.

© 2016 Oldenglish Superstores. All rights reserved
